
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Mainstream Media, You're Doing It Again! Stop airing Trump's mini rallies!

Yahoo News

When Trump ran for president in 2016 most people thought he was a joke, including the mainstream media who saw his campaign as a way to boost their ratings. Every time Trump as much as farted the media were there to cover it. Every word, every action, every appearance was covered, at the expense of the rest of the candidates of both parties. All of this free media coverage of a supposed billionaire, who could well worth afford to pay for it. Every time you turned your TV on there was Donald Trump. His opponents in the Republican primary were summarily ignored, as well as was Clinton, in the general election. They were complicit in allowing Trump and the GOP to demonize Clinton with all matters of lies and conspiracy theories. Shockingly Trump won the electoral college vote, while Clinton won the popular vote. Thanks in part to the MSM we now have a narcissistic, racist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, amoral, incompetent, and dangerous bully as a president!

Up until recently, the MSM has refrained from reporting Trump’s obnoxious and oftentimes illegal actions. They have referred to his incessant daily lying as him offering mistruths or misinformation. His staff even coined a new word for his lies, calling them alternative truths. All the while Trump viciously attacked the press and individual reporters for reporting something that he viewed as unflattering to him, the media did little or nothing. I must note here that I am not referring to Fox News as being a part of the MSM, as it is merely the propaganda arm of the Trump regime and does not cover any factual news regarding Dear Leader.

Now that we are amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the media has slithered back into their pre-election coverage of Trump. Whether it is fear of Trump or plain stupidity they are allowing him free reign of their news coverage. Since Trump’s election, he has not stopped performing at his MAGA rallies, holding them regularly, to stoke up his moronic followers and wallowing in their cultlike adoration. That is until a few weeks ago. Because of the coronavirus, large gatherings have been canceled or forbidden to stop the spread of the disease. These actions have taken away Trump’s only source of Trump’s much-needed validation. At his rallies, he can behave as racist and disgusting as he wants, attacking minorities, immigrants, the handicapped, non-Christians and anyone who doesn’t dote on every Adderal infected word he mutters. He has no shame and his followers aren’t intelligent enough to care.

Not one to be discouraged by a national public health concern, Trump has found a way to rally his deplorable supporters, without holding a public mass rally. Instead, he is holding daily press briefings on the status of the government’s response to the pandemic. He is not addressing the American people with these briefings. He is addressing his supporters by injecting racism into his remarks and calling the coronavirus the Chinese virus. Instead of being presidential and a real man he is blaming Obama, the Democrats and anyone else who doesn’t profess their undying loyalty to him. When he was asked to speak to those people who were afraid of getting sick and dying he attacked the reporter for asking a “nasty” question. He rambles on and on giving false hope and false information, openly disagreeing and contradicting medical experts standing on the podium with him. He is even touting unproven medicines with dangerous side effects a possible cures, just to make himself look like a hero.

Daily he stands, shoulder to shoulder, with his team instead of maintaining a safe social distance, carrying on with a reality type of shit show for his supporters. He shows no concern for those who are suffering from the virus or the families of those who have died from it. Instead, he lies about how many tests are available and how masks and ventilators are being delivered to the hotspots. Perhaps more annoying than his lying is how each member of his administration has to preface their remarks about telling how grateful they are that Trump is doing a tremendous job in meeting this crisis. He never mentions the first responders, the nurses, the truckers or the little people dealing with this crisis.
After the mandatory ass-kissing, the members of his team, except for Dr. Fauci, go on to repeat his useless information. At times Dr. Fauci has stepped up to contradict Trump with the medical facts on the spread of the virus, much to Trump’s dismay. Mysteriously Dr. Fauci has disappeared from the latest briefings. No doubt Trump will fire him soon, for telling the truth to the American people.

Only a couple of weeks ago Trump called the pandemic a hoax orchestrated by the Democrats to hurt him. Naturally, Fox News and the GOP went along with his paranoic lies and conspiracy theories. He was afraid that if the number of cases rose, the economy would tank, along with his re-election chances. He was and still is more concerned with the economy and his businesses along with those of his millionaire friends than the health of the American people. He reluctantly went along with shutting down businesses to slow the spread of the disease, but as of today, he says he wants people to go back to work. He lyingly stated that more people will die from suicide due to the economy than will die from the virus.

Usually, Trump will attack the press, the Democrats in Congress and the governors who have criticized his handling of the health emergency. He attacks his opponents personally and complains about how much money he has lost while serving as president. ( So why doesn’t he quit?) Recently when he was informed that Mitt Romney had tested positive for the virus, he smirked and said, “that’s too bad”. He is incapable of showing any empathy, in comparison to New York Governor Cuomo in his daily briefings, for which he is receiving national bipartisan praise for his leadership.
With each one of his unhinged diatribes masquerading as Covid-19 briefings, the major news networks have aired them without any concurrent fact-checking. This activity has drawn strong criticism on social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. For the first time today, his self indulging appearance was only broadcast on Fox News as a virtual town hall meeting. This is where he announced that he will most likely disregard the advice of medical experts and have people go back to work, by April 12, Easter. He announced that he wanted the churches filled on Easter Sunday! Trump’s death wish for the American people!

Hopefully, today was not a one-time event with the major news agencies not airing his mini rallies. The mainstream media must step up to protect the American people from the dangerous deranged psychopath’s attack on the truth and the health of our nation. Fox News will certainly not step up to the plate to help save lives, but eventually, after the number of deaths skyrocket, they may do their humane duty. Don’t hold your breath though. They will defend Trump to our deaths.

We had our chance only a few months ago to remove this inept excuse for a human through his impeachment, but the cowardly, fearful and greedy GOP reneged on their oaths of office and refused to remove him. For the health and safety of each and every one of us, Trump must somehow be removed from office. Either through another immediate and speedy impeachment, the use of Article 25 or his institutionalization to a psychiatric facility. This article from Yale University is very interesting and addresses this issue.

We’re only just at the beginning of this pandemic in this country and we have a long and treacherous way to go. We need advice and guidance from medical experts and others involved in infectious diseases if we are to have any hope. We need the truth. We need information that is not watered down to meet the narcissistic needs of the moron in the White House. We must be able to trust and count on our news media to save our lives and our country.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Knew He Was a Disaster, But you enabled him anyway

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Like most people in this country, I’m aware of Covid-19 and have been following the government’s reaction to it. Unlike many people, I have not panicked or started hoarding toilet paper. Sometimes though I think I should start to panic and prepare for the worst.

I am a member of the high-risk population as I am 72 and suffer from both asthma and COPD. I cannot help but remember how much I suffered from the flu almost one year ago today. I was hospitalized then and I thought that was going to be the end. I fear that if I get the coronavirus I will not survive. With those thoughts still fresh in my mind I admit that I have a healthy fear of this pandemic. But it’s more than fear. My fear is accompanied by shame and downright anger!

The world has known about this virus since December, but because of the coverup of the Chinese Communist government, nothing was done, until the virus had taken hold in the population. The United States was aware of Covid-19 and how dangerous it had become in mid-January but did nothing. Our government had its own coverup. The stable genius in the White House dismantled the team of experts whose task it was to address epidemics such as this one, solely because of his jealousy and hatred of President Obama.

As the virus spread to Europe and Asia, China moved into high gear to address the epidemic. When South Korea was hit hard by the virus they acted quickly to test those exposed to the virus and protect their citizens. South Korea and Germany developed their own Covid-19 tests and offered them to the United States, but our CDC arrogantly refused them and instead chose to develop or own tests. This action put the United States way behind the rest of the world in dealing with the virus. The United States, which once was at the forefront of worldwide disease prevention and control was now lagging behind third world countries, all because of a childish, narcissistic moron who is incapable of carrying out the duties of his office. What a frigging shame!

As the virus was introduced into our country, instead of meeting the public health threat head-on, Trump and his ignorant sycophants, led by FOX news called the virus a hoax manufactured by the Democrats to hurt Trump. Time and time again Trump downplayed the dangers of the virus, worrying more about how the stock market losses would affect his businesses and his reelection chances, over the health of the American people. Every statement he made in January and February and even now in regards to the virus and its danger to the American people has been a lie. And still, The Republicans do nothing except bury their heads in the sand.

As Italy has literally shut down in hopes of containing the virus in the face of increasing numbers of cases and deaths, Trump has done nothing, but brag about how “perfect” his response to the virus has been. South Korea has managed to test approximately 210,000 people since testing began while the United States has managed to test a little over 8,000 people. South Korea is showing what a competent reaction to the health crisis should be, while the President of the United States is golfing and blaming others for his incompetence.

As the Republicans continued to call Covid-19 a hoax and downplay its dangers to the American public, members of Congress have themselves been exposed to the virus while attending CPAC, a mecca for conservatives. While the average American cannot receive a Covid-19 test, because of the unavailability of tests, these special friends of Trump have easily and quickly been tested. It is now known that Trump, himself, has had exposure to the virus from his contact with these people, as well as from his meeting with a representative of the Brazilian government. As of this writing, Trump has not been tested and refuses to be tested. I guess the captain wants to go down with the ship.

My anger and hopelessness came to a head with Trump’s address to the nation last night regarding his plan to manage the virus. His plan includes giving the virus a nationality. It is now officially a “foreign virus”. He also formulated a travel ban, barring people from flying into the US from Europe, except for the UK and Ireland. The asshole doesn’t realize that people can fly from anywhere in Europe to the UK or Ireland then fly to the US! It is also interesting that the two countries excluded from this ban are those countries housing Trump’s failing golf resorts! Any question where his sympathies lie?

His speech to the nation did not address testing at all. There was no acknowledgment of the shortage of tests and if and when mass testing will become available. He did say that his administration is working on a plan to deal with the financial implications of the pandemic, but no mention of anything concrete. His statements regarding an economic stimulus plan were directed towards business and shoring up the stock market, instead of assisting those families having to deal with the illness and the hardships suffered by the uninsured or underinsured, those without sick leave, those without childcare and those living from paycheck to paycheck. In other words, he showed no concern for the health and welfare of the average American.

Since his speech, it has become apparent that this country is in serious trouble and people like me are in very serious trouble. From time to time during the average day, my breathing becomes difficult. I dealt with it as always, but now I can’t help but think “is this it?”. Could this be the beginning of the end? Even though I live in a county with only one positive case of coronavirus, so far, I can’t help but be concerned. I know there are many people in my situation and there are many more in extremely serious conditions throughout the country. I know there are scientists, doctors, technicians and healthcare workers working 24/7 to bring this pandemic under control. At the same time though I see Trump put my fate and the fate of our citizenry in the hands of Jared Kushner, who has absolutely no qualifications to do anything. It’s now up to Kushner to decide whether or not a public health state of emergency should be declared!

As I listen to the reports that the NBA and MLB have canceled or delayed their seasons, and colleges and universities have closed campuses and initiated online classes I can see the lives of Americans changing. I know my life will begin to change, as the virus will become more prevalent and hits closer to my community. At the same time, I see these changes I see that the Republicans are not changing. I see that the Democratic House of Representatives has unveiled a plan to help workers cope with the financial effects of not being able to work due to being infected by the virus. The plan includes paid sick leave for those who have none. I also see that the Republicans are vehemently opposed to the plan. Nothing here has changed.

There have been many comments made regarding politicizing the coronavirus threat, mostly from Trump supporters, but that’s a lot of bullshit. When it comes to my life and the lives of my family and my friends I am going to place the majority of the blame for the coronavirus threat not being handled competently and in a timely fashion squarely where it belongs. On Donald J. Trump and the Republican party! As Trump’s presidency rolled out we all could see how much of a racist he was. We all could see how corrupt he was. We all could see how vindictive and narcissistic he was. We could all see how incompetent he was. We also could see how much of a liar he was. We all knew, deep down, that Trump would destroy our country, one way or the other.

We had one chance to stop this destruction, with his impeachment and removal from office. But Republicans failed their party, their oaths of office and their country. They were terrified to vote against him for fear of being the targets of his vile vindictive retaliatory tweets. Or they were willing participants in his rape of the American taxpayer, or they too were beholding to Putin. The GOP is remarkably standing with him in the face of disaster. Before this pandemic is over there will be economic pandemonium and worse, many lives lost. If nothing is done the GOP will forever bear the responsibility of this apocalypse.

It’s time for Congress to get rid of Trump. Utilize the 25th Amendment or impeach him as soon as possible before he can cause more damage and more deaths. We can’t afford to wait for the election. We need a credible and competent government now!

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Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Third Reich -Trump the sequel!

“Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!”

We’ve all heard that quote many times. I’m sure. Guess what? It’s happening again. Right now. There’s a different set of characters but the actions and goals are the same. Instead of The Fuhrer, we have President Trump.

Heinrich Himmler was the head of Hitler’s Gestapo who enforced Hitler’s will with an iron hand. Today we have William Barr, Trump’s lackey serving as “his” Attorney General. Today Barr announced all investigations of the President and The White House must go through him. Our own SS.

Joseph Goebbels was Hitler’s Propaganda Minister who disseminated lies and disinformation to the German people to convince them how their Fuhrer was helping them make their lives better. Trump has Sean Hannity the rabid purveyor of lies and disinformation on behalf of Trump’s propaganda machine, FOX News.

 Adolf Eichman, a top officer in the SS, was Hitler’s architect of the Holocaust and was responsible for the deaths of over 6 million Jews. Trump has Stephen Miller who is his senior advisor overseeing immigration. He has been a strong proponent of white nationalism.

Hitler’s final solution included the concentration camps scattered all over Germany and German-occupied lands. Trump’s Homeland Security operates detention centers on our southern border with Mexico.

The descent into authoritarianism!

Hitler was allowed to rise to power because the German people let him. He strong-armed his way to power by demonizing his enemies and using Jews and other minorities as scapegoats for everything that was wrong with Germany. He believed that the more you repeat a lie the more likely people will believe it. His propaganda was directed at the uneducated, as he believed they would not know how to differentiate facts from lies. He used his propaganda to divide Germany, racially. He told his people that the elite, the press, the educated and the members of academia were all Jews or were influenced by Jews. Sound familiar?

Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933 as part of a coalition government. He was considered a demagogue by the majority of politicians in the Reichstag, but they thought he could be prevented from doing any serious damage in this position. However, Hitler used his position to eliminate his opposition in the Reichstag and eventually, by the use of conspiracy theories, he managed to proclaim himself Fuhrer of the Third Reich in 1934. After this, he continued to solidify his power by eliminating his opponents or anyone who might question his authority.

On February 5, 2020, the Republican-led U.S. Senate acquited Trump of both counts for which he was impeached in the House of Representatives, thus removing any obstacles to his ascent to dictatorial power. Already Trump has moved to eliminate any opposition through Barr’s announcement as noted above. He has already started his purge of those individuals who have truthfully testified against him. And this is only 2 days after the Senate action! He has vowed revenge on anyone who took part in his impeachment, including Sen. Mitt Romney, a member of his own party, and anyone he has perceived as having not been loyal to him. It’s only just beginning.

There is only one way to stop Trump from becoming the type of dictator he so lovingly admires, as he has exemplified in his relationships with Putin and Kim Jung-un. And that is by defeating him in November’s presidential election. This election probably will be the most controversial, profane and perhaps even the most violent in history. He will use any means at his disposal, either legal and most likely illegal to remain in power. The country will be torn apart even worse than it is now leading to election day. If he does indeed lose the election, he will not leave office willingly and I fear what the consequences will be. But we have to save our country before it descends into the second coming of Hitler. We cannot be fooled and we cannot be silent.

(All photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Originally published in The Militant on

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