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All my
life I’ve been told to pray. I was educated in Catholic schools and
there we prayed several times during the day. As students we were
usually told what to pray for and I admit most, if not all of us, paid
no attention to how or why we were praying. We were simply repeating
words that we had memorized. Through this upbringing I learned that we
had to pray to God, mainly for forgiveness for all the dastardly sins we
evil children committed! I learned that there was a patron saint for just about everything
and was told to pray to that saint for favors pertaining to his/her
expertise. There was St. Anthony for lost items, St. Francis for
animals, St. Jude for travelers and the list goes on and on. Even our
sports teams prayed together before a game for God’s help in winning. I
often was puzzled as how this works as the opposing teams also prayed! I
don’t believe I ever got an answer.
As I grew older I fell away from the Catholic Church,
as I became disenchanted with it’s teachings and the hypocrisy of not
only Catholicism, but all religions. I still prayed though even though I
wasn’t convinced it worked. Throughout my long life I have prayed for
many things, although I believe very few of my prayers have been
answered. Those few that have been answered I am not sure if they were
really answered or if it was just coincidence that what I prayed for
came to fruition. Yet still I pray.
have overwhelming evidence that people pray and they pray often and for
everything. Just about everybody prays,especially when they buy a
lottery ticket. They pray that they will win the jackpot. People pray at
casinos to win big. People pray for their favorite sports teams to win
and also their favorite politicians.People tend to pray for their own self interests probably most often. On Facebook we can see people asking for prayers for sick relatives and quite often for children they don’t even know. Whenever someone asks for prayers for relatives we can see all of their friends sending prayers and prayer emojis. Personally I feel these are meaningless and don’t believe all of the friends and followers are actually praying.
Times when we see many people praying are those all too often
incidences where there have been mass school shootings. Instead of
actually offering concrete actions to stop these mass murders, all we
see is “offering thoughts and prayers” from politicians and citizens
alike. Why aren’t all of these prayers being answered? Why do the
shootings continue? I have never heard a sensible answer from clergymen
and clergywomen as to why these prayers fall on deaf ears. Yet still I
believe that millions of people all over the world have been praying for
world peace, as I have been doing my whole life, but we still don’t
have world peace. I have been praying daily to end violence, killings
and terrorism all over the world and I’m sure millions of others are
joining me in my pleas. It still continues though. I pray every day to
end the suffering of the sick, the poor, and the starving children of
the world, yet it continues.
I’ve actually asked members of the clergy about this and have been told
“it’s part of God’s plan”. What kind of God has a plan that allows such
disastrous hardships. Hitler had a “plan” and he’s considered one of
the most evil and hated men who has ever lived! Yet still I pray.
often think about why some prayers are supposedly answered and some are
not, and think that maybe some of the petitions are just too
complicated, even for God. After all God gave us all free will and if we chose to do evil, God will allow it, even thought it will hurt innocent people.
I figured maybe God answered those prayers that were simple and would
not change the course of human history. This idea was shattered recently
when the beloved pet dog of my neighbor’s three young children (seven
year old triplets)became seriously ill and was taken to the vet. The vet
kept him overnight for a 24 hour observation to see if medication could
improve his situation. If not he would have to be put to sleep. I knew
the kids would be devastated if they lost their precious Griffin and he
would be sorely missed by all of the neighbors. I prayed hard that night
thinking that this would be a simple request for a benevolent God.
After all keeping one dog alive would have no ill effect in the scheme
of nature and it would save three children from losing their best friend
and faithful companion. I was wrong. Griffin was put to sleep the next
day! Yet still I pray!
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phenomenon of modern society that I find to be disgusting and
unbelievable is what I call “mass demonstration of prayer”. I am
referring to demonstrations of prayer emanating from the golden halls of
today’s “megachurches” which are broadcasting to their gullible
followers over our airways. These gigantic spiritual edifices are filled
to capacity every Sunday preaching their own version of Christianity
heavily laden with, not the love of Christ, but the love of money.
I think it would be safe for me to say that the majority of the
followers of the popular megachurches are lower middle class, the poor
and the lonely and poor elderly. As we all have witnessed, the
flamboyant and charismatic leaders of these megachurches, more often
than not, live in multi million dollar bejeweled mansions with a fleet
of expensive foreign luxury cars and even jet plans waiting at their
beck and call. Who’s paying for these extravagances? Their followers!
Inevitably the religious services conducted at these megachurches end up
with the congregation being asked for prayers and money to assure that
their prayers will be answered. Like lemmings, the members of the
congregation loudly pray in unison for their souls, while opening their
wallets and pocketbooks to ensure their salvation. In moving spiritual
performances, which would be the envy of any Oscar nominee, preachers
tearfully beg for money to be able to continue their ministry “the way
Jesus would want” them to. And of course the congregation succumbs to
their pleadings. Anybody want to bet that even if these preachers pray ,
it is to keep their followers gullible and generous? I firmly believe
that prayer can be valuable for some people, but ministers and churches
such as those mentioned above make a mockery of prayer and those who
profess to pray.
still debating with myself whether or not prayers are ever answered.
Are some prayers answered, while some are not. Do the prayers of some
get answered, while prayers of others are ignored. Of those prayers that
some people say were answered, was it just coincidence that what was
prayed for became reality? Would the events have happened anyway? I
don’t know. I guess I’ll never find out. But, just in case, I’ll keep praying to be on the safe side!
This article was originally published in Publishous on Medium.com
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