
Friday, January 27, 2017

Should We Be Afraid?

It's now been a week since Trump took office and his rhetoric continues to divide Americans, rather making any attempt to unite us. He has slapped gag orders on the departments of the US government, attacked the media for fact checking and spreading "fake news" and threatened those cities where was soundly defeated in the popular vote.  During his campaign we learned just how much of a vindictive person he was, attacking a Gold Star parent, a disabled reporter and various women who have accused him of sexual assault. Now he is President.

The day after his inauguration millions of people worldwide protested his presidency, yet he acted as if it never happened. He continued to live in his alternate universe of denial of reality and attacking all who may disagree with him. Thousand and thousands of people on social media such as Twitter and Facebook express their extreme displeasure with him. Mainstream media is finally summoning up the courage to call him on his lies and conspiracy theories. As this is the end of his first week in office I have to wonder. As their seems to be an attempt at stifling the press and free speech, will Trump's attention now be drawn to ferreting out all of those on social media who posted negative comments about him and then exacting his revenge! Remember what his colleague Richard Branson said in his blog post "Donald Trump told me he wanted "to spend the rest of his life" getting revenge"!  The Republican Congress seems to be unwilling and unable to protect American citizens from a potential authoritarian regime at this time. Do we have reason to be concerned?
#resist #the resistance #trump

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Aristocracy That is Now America

King Donald


As of January 20, 2017, once Democratic America has officially become an authoritarian Aristocracy! Stoking fears of immigrants, Muslims, the LGBT community, foreigners and anyone who is different from a white, male Christian, Donald Trump rode a train of fear, racism and bigotry to the White House. Many people who felt disenfranchised especially economically, fell hook, line and sinker for his divisive rhetoric and promises of an improved life. These people were not swayed by his constant lying, his sexual assaults on women, his mockery of handicapped people and his outright hatred of Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities. They didn't bother to investigate him further, choosing to listen to the propaganda of fake news as espoused by Fox News, Breibart and other such far right entities.  They didn't care! They thought he would bring them to riches, as he had done for himself, by inheriting wealth and screwing anyone who worked for him. They were too stupid to know better!

  In his inauguration speech, instead of trying to bring the country together he continued to divide the country and even offered to retaliate against those who voted against him. In his constant delusional state of mind, he insisted that his inauguration crowd was the largest in American history, even though tons of video, photographic and DC transportation department evidence disproves his blatant lies. Every day since his crowning as king, he has not let up on these lies. He now refuses to believe what is a proven fact, that he lost the popular vote "bigly".  He believes 3 million illegal immigrants fraudulently voted in the election!

For all those poor suckers who voted for him with expectations of an improved economic life let's look at what he has done so far.  First, he is a billionaire (supposedly) and he still refuses to release his income taxes, continuing to lie about them being audited. His mouthpiece Kellyanne Conway has told us that he will never release his taxes, even though he made numerous promises to do so during the campaign. Now the morons who voted for him still do have to pay taxes, while their hero most likely hasn't paid taxes in a decade.  Secondly his nominations for his cabinet are all at least millionaires, if not billionaires, with absolutely no experience whatsoever, except for the millions they donated to his campaign! Some nominees have even said they wish to dismantle the very agencies they were nominated to lead, while others have ties with big oil and would be positioned to benefit from their leadership.  According to The,"The amount of wealth possessed by the 17 picks, at least $9.5 billion, is greater than the 43 million least wealthy households in America."!  What makes the Trumpsters think they're going to be any better off under a bunch of millionaires and billionaires who got rich by taking advantage of people like them?  It's like putting a pedophile in charge of the kindergarten or an alcoholic in charge of a bar!

In  his short few days as president he has continued throwing tantrums about the popular vote, his inauguration crowds and the press, but he has accomplished a few things. He has endangered our environment and our health by putting gag orders on the EPA, the National Park Service and the FDA, to name a few. He is attempting to stifle the Freedom of the Press and he has ordered the building of the ridiculous wall. Oh, yeah, Trumpsters, he's taking away your health insurance to see how fast you guys can die off.  Some of his supporters see his reinstatement of the building of the Dakota pipeline and deregulation of some industries as providing jobs. This is true, for the time being, as there will only be temporary jobs created. But that won't really make a difference to the Trump supporters because they will all be gravely ill or dead, along with the rest of us, because of his destroying healthcare, the environment and the FDA, so that his buddies can reap record profits!

As Marie Antoinette once said, "Let them eat cake"!

Ablog about liberal politics andsocial issues