
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Will SCOTUS Steal the Election for Trump?It’s not impossible!

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

With the election just a few days away my fears about the outcome are becoming more realistic. The normal headline-grabbing “October Surprise” never happened, but maybe an “October theft” did happen.

The Supreme Court in the past couple of days ruled that absentee ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina must be accepted after November 3rd. The media declared the rulings as victories for the Democrats. The Democrats openly rejoiced. And others declared a victory, not for the Democrats, but democracy. But the rulings could be a victory for Trump.

The Supreme Court rulings may, in reality, be a short term victory for voting rights. The dissenting justices, Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch implied that the decision could be revisited up to 3 days after election day and possibly invalidate those ballots. Newly seated illegitimate justice Barrett didn’t vote at this time saying she had not read the arguments in the case. We all know if there is another vote after the election, and it is apparent that Trump is losing by a small margin in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, she will vote to invalidate the late ballots.

Merely by intimating that SCOTUS could reconsider their decision, it is a clear sign that some justices are ready, willing, and able to nullify the results of the election if it becomes apparent that Trump will lose. Unless Trump is losing in a landslide there is a strong possibility that once again he will steal the election. This time with a corrupt Supreme Court.

It’s too late to vote by mail, so anyone who hasn’t voted yet need to place their absentee ballots in a dropbox, vote in early voting, or vote in person on election day. The fate of our democracy is at stake. If Trump is allowed to steal our votes, God knows what else he will steal from us.


Originally published in Rogues' Gallery on

Friday, October 16, 2020

It Suddenly Hit Me. What am I going to write about after the election?


                                                                    Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



I don’t write for a living, to supplement my retirement income, or necessarily to make money, so I don’t write regularly. I primarily write to express my opinion or feelings about what is important to me. And that usually leads to me writing about politics or social issues. Because Trump, his enablers and supporters, are in direct opposition to the values I hold dearly and even my own existence as a gay person, I write a great deal about politics. With the election less than 3 weeks away I suddenly realized that this could all change, depending upon who wins the election.

If Trump wins a second term there definitely will be much I will disagree with and write about. But this may change. With Trump’s known disdain for dissent, criticism may not be allowed. With his own personal fixer, Attorney General Barr, Trump has already proven he will attempt to silence his political foes or anyone who criticizes him. We all know how much he hates the media when they tell the truth about his corruption, lies, and misdeeds. If he wins the election he will see it as a coronation of his perpetual leadership. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech will be only a memory.

If Biden wins the election I will at least feel safer, with the government in the hands of a sane and rational leader who has the best interests of the country at heart, instead of using the country as his own piggy bank. I will feel better knowing that Biden and Harris share the same values as I do in regard to equality, civil and human rights. If the Democrats take over the Senate I will feel even better realizing there may be some hope that the damage Trump has done to our country can be reversed.

With the now certain confirmation of Amy Comey Barrett as the replacement for Justice Ginsburg, I know I will have a lot to write about, in fighting to preserve my marriage, as she is an avowed opponent of same-sex marriage and has even spoken in favor of not only eliminating LGBTQ rights but also criminalizing homosexuality. Aside from how her nomination affects my personal life and future, there are going to be disastrous consequences for women’s reproductive rights, voting rights, civil rights, climate change, separation of church and state, and other constitutional rights. I certainly will have a lot to write about — if I’m allowed.

When I share my fears, thoughts, and feelings about those social issues that are dear to me I don’t receive a great deal of attention. After all, I’m “preaching to the choir” in most instances. For many people, who suffer from a phenomenon called “I don’t want to get involved” my writings go unnoticed. I wrote about this last year in an article of the same name. You can read it here if you’re interested. I don’t think much will change for some people after the election. Hopefully, I won’t.

So if Biden wins the election I’m sure I will continue to write about politics and social issues. I will continue to speak up for my rights and those of others. If Trump wins, I will definitely be in a state of deep depression and unable to write anything for a long while. Then there is a real possibility I won’t be able to express my opinion at all if it is in any way critical of Dear Leader.



Originally published in Rogues Gallery on

Ablog about liberal politics andsocial issues